PowerShell Tanium

Introducing the PowerShell Deployment Automation Toolkit

Seasons Greetings Friends,

I would like to share a project with you that I have been leveraging for the better part of 2020 that I have now named the PowerShell Deployment Automation Toolkit (PSDAT for short). The PSDAT provides a way to deliver automated deployments through the Tanium Endpoint Management platform with a greater degree of granularity and automation potential than what is natively available within the platform itself.

A much rougher draft of the solution was initially developed in January of 2020 but the idea itself has been percolating since 2016 as I have long wished to fully automate the lifecycle of our application management wherever possible. In 2018, I challenged myself to develop a proof-of-concept for end-to-end automation of our Java JRE/JDK application with the logic being that the idea could be fully realized with anything if it could address the laborious nature of everyone’s favorite Oracle product. Having successfully managed that, I expanded upon the concept and fully automated the weekly reboot mechanism that I developed with the help of the PowerShell Application Deployment Toolkit.

As one might expect, the current release of the PSDAT is very much a work in progress with tons of functionality and error handling to come. I am definitely adhering to the “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late” mindset even though this is a project rather than a product. With that being said, I feel like it is time to begin sharing the tool as there is a great deal of functionality already and I have been using it successfully for most of the year.

Check out the project on GitHub and take a look at the contents below:

PowerShell Deployment Automation Toolkit

  • Author: Brent Henderson
  • Release Date: 12/28/2020
  • Version: 0.0.1


Toolkit Overview

The PowerShell Deployment Automation Toolkit provides a way to deliver automated deployments through the Tanium Endpoint Management platform.


This script manages the import and deployment of Software Gallery packages for the Tanium Endpoint Management platform. The tool currently provides the following functionality:

  • Automated API session creation mechanism with manual fallback
  • Catalog-driven for ease of customization
  • Support for multiple environments with minimal administrative overhead
  • Automated Tanium Package Gallery package imports
  • Automated deployment creation to deployment rings designated in catalog items
  • Patch Tuesday offset configuration for deployments
  • CMTrace/OneTrace-compatible logging


The TanREST PowerShell module is required and cannot currently be distributed by anyone other than Tanium. Please contact your Technical Account Manager to acquire and install the latest version of TanREST.


PowerShell Deployment Automation Framework – Provides a way to deliver automated deployments through the Tanium Endpoint Management platform.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see


powershell.exe -File '\\pathToFile\DeploymentAutomationToolkit.ps1'

powershell.exe -File '\\pathToFile\DeploymentAutomationToolkit.ps1' -Environment < Alt | DEV | QA | PROD >

powershell.exe -File 'c:\pathToFile\DeploymentAutomationToolkit.ps1' -Environment 'Alt' -QuickTest $true -StartToday $true

Quick Start

  1. Configure reference file(s) for environment(s) under scriptRoot\core\config
  2. Encrypted credentials may be stored in scriptRoot\core\config as taniumENVCred.txt (Not recommended for Production, Example 1 below)
  3. Configure json catalog files under scriptRoot\core\catalog\repo
  4. Promote configured json catalog items to scriptRoot\core\catalog
  5. Call script with desired environmental target

Example 1: The ConvertFrom-SecureString cmdlet converts a secure string into an encrypted standard string.

(Get-Credential).password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File "$scriptDirectory\core\config\tanium__ENV__Cred.txt"

Script Parameters

DecommOnCompletionDesignates whether or not jobs should be decommissioned once all rings are deployed; defaults to $true.
EnvironmentDesignates the operating environment for the script to execute upon. Jobs from multiple environments can coexist so back-to-back executions from multiple environments will function appropriately.
QuickTestDesignates whether or not an abbreviated run should be facilitated; defaults to $false as a precaution.
StartTodayDesignates whether or not the startDateOffsetInDays value in catalog items will offset relative to the runtime date or the next Patch Tuesday; defaults to $false.

JSON Catalog Keys | Tanium Package Deployments

allRingsDeployedIndicates whether or not all defined rings within the job have been deployed.
architectureThe architecture of the package to be deployed. Value values are [x64,x86,any]
contentAcquiredIndicates whether or not the content for the package has been cached.
currentVersionThe current software version for a given package that is available.
currentSoftwarePackageEditIdThe current software package object version.
frameworkCatalogNameThe name of the source catalog item that the job was derived from.
guidThe unique GUID assigned to the job at runtime.
jobFileLocationThe current location of the job file.
jobStatusThe current status of the job.
lastVersionThe previous software version for a given package that is being managed by the job.
lastModifiedIndicates the last time the Toolkit modified a given job file.
packageCacheLoopAn integer value indicating how many loops the package cache logic should take. Each loop is 10 seconds so a value of 30 would allow for a maximum of 5 minutes before the job was placed in a hold state.
packageIDThe current package ID of the package being deployed by a given job.
previousPackageIDThe previous package ID of the software that is being deployed by a given job.
productNameThe product name of the software being deployed by a given job.
productVendorThe product vendor of the software being deployed by a given job.
deploymentLengthInDaysRing designation indicating the length of time that the deployment should run.
deploymentStopTimeThe 24-hour value of the intended stop time. Example: 00:00 is the default value and representative of midnight.
deploymentStartTimeThe 24-hour value of the intended start time. Example: 00:00 is the default value and representative of midnight.
downloadImmediatelyIndicates whether or not endpoints should begin downloading content as soon as the deployment is created. Consider the size of the audience you are targeting carefully.
deploymentIDThe deployment ID of the deployment created by the Toolkit.
deployedOnThe datetime value of the deployment created by the Toolkit.
eussAvailableBeforeStartIndicates whether or not users should be able to interact with the deployment prior to start time.
operationThe deployment operation that should be leveraged in the deployment. Default value is ‘update’.
overrideMaintenanceWindowsIndicates whether or not maintenance windows should be respected by the deployment. Default value is ‘true’.
startDateOffsetInDaysAn integer value denoting how much of an offset should be configured from the start time. For example, one would use the $StartToday switch and a startDateOffsetInDays offset of 0 to start a deployment for the same day.
restartIndicates whether or not the deployment should restart devices. Default value is ‘false’.
targetTypeIndicates the target apparatus for a deployment. ‘computerGroup’ is currently the only valid value.
targetCriteriaThe Computer Group to be targeted by a given deployment ring. Default value is ‘No Computers’.
typeIndicates the type of deployment to be created. ‘single’ is the only valid value and indicates a deployment with defined beginning and end dates.
useTaniumClientTimeZoneIndicates whether or not the deployment should use the client local time. Default value is ‘true’.


Directory Overview

├─ core/
│  ├─ catalog/
│  │  ├─ repo/
│  │  │  ├─ googlellc-chrome-x64.json 
│  │  │  ├─ igorpavlov-7-zip-x64.json
│  ├─ config/
│  │  │  ├─ alt-reference.json
│  │  │  ├─ dev-reference.json
│  │  │  ├─ prod-reference.json
│  │  │  ├─ qa-reference.json
│  ├─ functions/
│  │  ├─ Get-PatchTuesday.ps1
│  │  ├─ New-CredentialObject.ps1
│  │  ├─ New-Session.ps1
│  │  ├─ Send-HTMLEmail.ps1
│  │  ├─ Set-JSONProperty.ps1
│  │  ├─ Write-Log.ps1
├─ jobqueue/
│  ├─ decommissioned/
│  ├─ hold/
├─ logs/
├─ .gitignore

Directory Structure

coreContains the Toolkit core dependencies.
catalogContains JSON-based catalog entries for deployment.
repoContains JSON-based catalog entries that have not been deployed.
configContains JSON-based reference files for environmental targeting configurations.
functionsContains the Toolkit function dependencies.
jobqueueContains JSON-based jobs.
decommissionedContains completed JSON-based jobs.
holdContains JSON-based jobs that encountered an issue during execution.

File Structure

googlellc-chrome-x64.jsonCatalog item for the Google LLC Chrome product.
igorpavlov-7-zip-x64-embedded.jsonCatalog item for the Igor Pavlov 7-zip product.
dev-reference.jsonReference item to be configured for targeting “DEV” environments.
prod-reference.jsonReference item to be configured for targeting “PROD” environments.
qa-reference.jsonReference item to be configured for targeting “QA” environments.
Get-PatchTuesday.ps1Function that determines the date of Patch Tuesday for a given month/year.
New-CredentialObject.ps1Function that creates a credential object from locally stored credentials.
New-Session.ps1Function that creates a session with the desired Tanium environment.
Send-HTMLEmailFunction that translates an input object to an HTML-formatted email.
Set-JSONProperty.ps1Function that updates JSON files.
Write-Log.ps1Function that creates CMTrace/OneTrace-formatted logs.

Upcoming Functionality

  • Catalog-driven Tanium Patch deployments
  • Sub-function for building more dynamic deployments with an understanding of parameter set grouping
  • Transition to direct API calls to reduce dependencies and error opportunities.
CMTrace/OneTrace-compatible logging
Distinct deployment identifiers with GUID reference to associated jobs

Disclaimer: Any code made available on this site is free to use at your own discretion but it is provided without any explicit or implied guarantees of support, reliability, or functionality. I accept no responsibility in the event that the code, in its original form or any derivative versions thereafter, malfunctions or causes problems . Anything from this site that you decide to work with should be tested thoroughly in development environments in collaboration with your Technical Account Manager (TAM) until such time that you, the responsible party, decides that you are satisfied with its outcomes.

2 replies on “Introducing the PowerShell Deployment Automation Toolkit”

Really glad to hear it Benjamin. Let me know how your testing goes and if there are any improvements you see a need for; I’ve already got some more functionality in development.

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